Sweet river charm...Sold |
Going up country.... |
Call of the unknown....Sold |
Land of the sky....Sold |
Into the mystic....Sold |
Alegria....Sold |
Wild ways....Sold |
The beauty that surrounds us....Sold |
Full circle....Sold |
Yours truly, Santa Ynez....Sold |
As far as I can see....Sold |
Slow ride....Sold |
When the morning comes....Sold |
Way back in the hills....Sold |
Every now & then....Sold |
Back side, wild side....Sold |
Tidepools....Sold |
The air was cool & fresh....Sold |
Top of the lake....Sold |
Charming....Sold |
Old time, new day....Sold |
Headwaters, West fork of Cold Springs....Sold |
Everlasting always....Sold |
Traveling along....Sold |
For a while....Sold |
A land not far from here....Sold |
Above it all....Sold |
Cancion de la pequeno rio....Sold |
First light, first pool....Sold |
Sunset over Santa Barbara....Sold |
Wild times....Sold |
Sunset, Santa Rosa....Sold |
Shadowed light....Sold |
Kind of wonderful....Sold |
We've got a long way to go....Sold |
As the river flows....Sold |
Long as I can see the light....Sold |
Morning at Refugio....Sold |
Pier to peak....Sold |
Shoreline....Sold |
It's good up here....Sold |
Verily, ere the horizon unfolds, yon mountain doth emerge....Sold |
Beyond mere words,a tale unfolds....Sold |
In the valley today....Sold |
Sweet dreams....Sold |
Calm at the top....Sold |
Kind of wild....Sold |
I like it wild....Sold |
Show me the way....Sold |
The hills of rare design....Sold |
Up around the bend....Sold |
Quiet water....Sold |
To the peak....Sold |
A few passing clouds....Sold |
I remember the time....Sold |
It's nice....Sold |
Here at the right time....Sold |
Rocky bits, Romero ridge....Sold |
Through the pass....Sold |
Ridgetop at Romero....Sold |
Summerland sunset....Sold |
Blue green colors flashing....Sold |
Up there....Sold |
Lifted up again....Sold |
All the way....Sold |
Santa Ynez reflections....Sold |
All along the mountaintop....Sold |
Butterfly beach,Santa Barbara....Sold |
Poplars !....Sold |
Welcome to the top....Sold |
Went out walking the other day....Sold |
Not so far from here....Sold |
On the quiet plain....Sold |
In the grand way of things....Sold |
This is the place....Sold |
Down along the river....Sold |
You can see forever....Sold |
It's so nice....Sold |
Ceanothus above....Sold |
The best time....Sold |
The river goes on & on....Sold |
So many roads to walk....Sold |
View from the upper pasture....Sold |
Like never before....Sold |
Lively up yourself....Sold |
A real fine day....Sold |
By the riverside....Sold |
In the right direction....Sold |
A good place....Sold |
Quiet reflections....Sold |
The still of the morning....Sold |
More pretty trees than one....Sold |
On the way, I'll wonder....Sold |
Down the coast....Sold |
Do you remember when?....Sold |
Good fine time....Sold |
I was walking in the hills one day....Sold |
Land of light & shadow....Sold |
Traveling on the top....Sold |
Remember paradise....Sold |
Quiet river....Sold |
To the top....Sold |
A real good feeling....Sold |
From Franklin trail....Sold |
The pleasant land....Sold |
From the high places....Sold |
This is a good place....Sold |
County hillside....Sold |
Countryside happiness....Sold |
Morning enchantment....Sold |
Call of the wild....Sold |
Clean country living....Sold |
Welcome to the top....Sold |
Wild ways...Sold |
A certain kind of light...Sold |
It's a good feeling...Sold |
Many a good day...Sold |
In the night...Sold |
Good times on the trail...Sold |
Let's go to Santa Ynez...Sold |
It's magic...Sold |
Closer to the place outside...Sold |
One bright way...Sold |
Santa Barbara sunrise...Sold |
The one & only...Sold |
On the way to Grass mountian....SOLD |
Happy returns...Sold |
Out there in the West...Sold |
homeward bound...Sold |
The good light...Sold |
Nice hills...Sold |
Back to the valley...Sold |
The way of the West...Sold |
Western hills...Sold |
On higher ground...Sold |
The places inbetween..Sold |
Western sunset...Sold |
Along East Camino Cielo...Sold |
Last light, Santa Rosa...Sold |
Long light, Santa Rosa...Sold |
As seen from the top...Sold |
The afternoon in Santa Ynez...Sold |
A nice one...Sold |
Outstanding in the field...Sold |
Simple pleasures...Sold |
Morning in the hills...Sold |
In the distance...Sold |
Mountains got soul...Sold |
Over & above...Sold |
Take to the sky...Sold |
Out where the West Commences...Sold |
Shining sea...Sold |
Just a moment...Sold |
Romero shape & form...Sold |
The Romero connection...Sold |
Above & beyond...Sold |
Roll on home...Sold |
Three palms...Sold |
Heading out...Sold |
By the riverside...Sold |
Let's go to the country...Sold |
Enter the valley...Sold |
I dreamed I was a cowboy...Sold |
At last...Sold |
A long ways...Sold |
The wild West...Sold |
So quiet...Sold |
The wild side...Sold |
Best bend...Sold |
Lucky break...Sold |
Valley view...Sold |
Summerland to Santa Barbara....SOLD |
Good clean fun...Sold |
The pointy ones....SOLD |
Ridgetop view....SOLD |
Just a quiet place...Sold |
So nice on top...Sold |
Live for today....SOLD |
What a day that was....SOLD |
What a place to be....SOLD |
Mountains "with fancy clouds"....SOLD |
In the breeze....SOLD |
Something up above....SOLD |
Sure to ease your mind....SOLD |
River bend right below Red rock....SOLD |
Vista desde la Montana....SOLD |
The good light near Romero....SOLD |
Best times....SOLD |
To & fro at Hendry's....SOLD |
The glow at Fernald's....SOLD |
I'll keep returning....SOLD |
Yucca got soul....SOLD |
To Santa Barbara "with love"....SOLD |
Mossy rocks at Padero....SOLD |
The red carpet....SOLD |
More Mesa morning....SOLD |
River got soul....SOLD |
Back country light & shadow....SOLD |
The good place....SOLD |
It's right up there....SOLD |
A fine looking place....SOLD |
Pony....SOLD |
Such a lovely place....SOLD |
Forever more....SOLD |
Far & away....SOLD |
On the right path....SOLD |
Right around the bend....SOLD |
Towards Campus point....SOLD |
Late day surf at the point....SOLD |
Path by the sea....SOLD |
Trail to the top....SOLD |
Morning at the river....SOLD |
Santa Barbara....SOLD |
Montecito peak with Yucca & clouds....SOLD |
That's forever...SOLD |
View from Campus point...SOLD |
A nice place to visit...SOLD |
I am yours...SOLD |
I'm going to fly away....SOLD |
Oh what a new day....SOLD |
Pretty you, charming you....SOLD |
Meet me by the sea....SOLD |
The long coast....SOLD |
Slanting light, Summerland....SOLD |
Life giving waters....SOLD |
Daybreak at the source....SOLD |
Heading out at Hendry's....SOLD |
Further up further in....SOLD |
Fernald's point....SOLD |
Spellbound....SOLD |
In praise of lazy days....SOLD |
Clean & clear....SOLD |
Afternoon on the Trespass trail....Sold |
On the way to Dos Pueblos....Sold |
For you "the sun will shine"....Sold |
It's nice up here....Sold |
Trespass trail....Sold |
Yours truly, Hendry's....Sold |
Whispering grass....Sold |
Sunrise, Santa Ynez....Sold |
New day at the last crossing....Sold |
Raise your glass....Sold |
River bend, Santa Ynez....Sold |
Best beach....Sold |
Good rocks at Shoreline....Sold |
Late day, Summerland....Sold |
Summerland seaside....Sold |
River trees, Santa Ynez....Sold |
The quiet places....Sold |
Viewpoint with Rosy Buckwheat....Sold |